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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Parmelee House, Frank T. Kegley, Architect 1912

At the age of 64, Frank Parmelee retired from his position as President of the Parmellee Omnibus and Transfer Company in Chicago, and move to the sunnier climes of Los Angeles. In 1911, he purchased the entire southernly portion of the Elevado street property (with approximately 521 feet of frontage) and commisioned architect Franklin T. Kegley to design a home for he and his wife Meroe C. Parmelee. Kegley designed the home in ta grand Tudor Revival style, with five bedrooms, four bathrooms and (at least) three fireplaces; (that I remember, one a Batchelder, from a recent visit), and over 5000 sq. ft. of living space. Over time, parts of the property were sold off, resulting in the current 18,905 sq. ft. of land. The Parmelees later moved to the Ambassador Hotel, where Mr. Parmelee passed away on November 30, 1921.

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